

物件名 正和幼稚園
所在地 東京都町田市山崎町2261-1
主要用途 幼稚園+保育所
発注者 齋藤祐善/正和学園理事長
公式サイト 正和幼稚園正和学園
用途地域 地区計画区域(木曽山崎団地)、第二種高度地区、準防火地域
構造 鉄筋コンクリート造、一部鉄骨造および補強コンクリートブロック造
階数 地上2階
最高高さ 9.488m
最高軒高 7.869m
前面道路 南西側10.000m
敷地面積 3389.740m2
建築面積 973.110m2
延床面積 997.700m2
設計期間 2015年11月19日〜2018年3月16日
工事期間 2018年3月17日〜2019年7月31日
担当 中佐昭夫、須田牧子
構造設計 名和研二、荒木康佑/NAWAKENJI-M
設備設計 浅野光、池田匠/設備計画
設計協力 有田昌史(サイン・カーテンデザイン)
施工 三ノ輪建設
掲載 『Architecture and Culture』 2020/NOV号 A&C Publishing
『KINDERGARTEN ARCHITECTURE』 2020/8月出版 Booq Publishing
受賞 2023年 日本建築家協会優秀建築選
2021年 GOOD DESIGN賞受賞
写真 矢野紀行













Name of the Project : Seiwa Kindergarten
Location : 2261-1 Yamazaki-cho, Machida-City, Tokyo
Category : Kindergarten
Zoning use district : –
Fire protection specification : –
Structure : Reinforced‐concrete + Steel + Concrete block construction
Number of stories : 2 floors above ground
Maximum height : 9.488 m
Maximum eave height : 7.869 m
Frontal road : 10.00 m on the southwest
Site area : 3389.74 m2
Building area : 973.11 m2
Total floor area : 997.70 m2
Completion : July 31, 2019
Architect : Akio NAKASA(Principal Architect) , Makiko SUDA
Photographer : Toshiyuki Yano

Rebuilding project of a kindergarten located at a corner of huge apartment complex developed in late 1960s.
Yamazaki apartment complex, whose residents Seiwa Kindergarten was built for, is one of the largest apartment complexes developed by the former Japan Housing Corporation (public corporation), currently Urban Renaissance Agency, among many apartment complexes in suburban Tokyo. The total housing unit number is approximately 3,900 and at its peak, more than 10,000 people lived in the complex.

Due to aging population, the number of residents has decreased to roughly 60% of its peak and there was a time the number of children going to Seiwa Kindergarten largely dipped below its capacity before rebuilding project started. In recent years, the number of children coming from the apartment complex has been less than ten, and the rest were coming by kindergarten bus or parents’ cars outside the apartment complex. The kindergarten was no longer serving exclusively for the residents of the apartment complex.

As the kindergarten building having aged since its construction fifty years ago and the aging population of the apartment complex progressing, when a project of rebuilding the kindergarten funded by subsidy came up, our primary proposition was for the kindergarten to create relations with community outside the apartment complex.

Fortunately, the premises of the kindergarten was at southwest end of the apartment complex with good access to major streets outside the complex. Therefore we reversed the position of former kindergarten building and garden with the new ones; a new building is built by the major streets where former garden was, and a new garden is built close to the apartment complex where former building was.

There were two conditions in this project; one of which is to provide direct access to the garden from all the nursing rooms for ease of operation and security. Nursing rooms and staff room are allocated on the first floor of horizontally long and gently curving building (unit A) which has patio doors to the deck facing garden at the back of premises. The exterior wall was curved to create longest possible surface facing the garden (meaning widest opening for each nursing room) and also to avoid flat impression of exterior and interior of fifty-meter long building. Playroom/ multi-purpose room and kitchen are in unit B which is facing major street and large guest parking space for bus, as this building is supposed to be used for events targeting future kindergarteners and local community.

Another condition which was defined by the subsidy is that the gross floor area of unit A and B must equal the old kindergarten building. However, floor area of fifty year-old kindergarten would be clearly insufficient under the current nursing condition. Therefore terrace was built between unit A and B with membrane roof called “arcade” letting in sunshine over it. Under the arcade is semi exterior space where it can be used as part of cafeteria, nursing room, entrance hall and corridor. The entirety of unit A, B and arcade adds up to approximately 1.2 times floor area of the former kindergarten building.

When old kindergarten building was dismantled and new garden was planned, old existing trees were preserved as much as possible. What were once nursery trees about fifty years ago have grown to be symbol trees and loved by everyone. Reproducing of natural environment which contributes to rich daily activities of children, rather than a plain field for the sake of annual sports festival, became basic concept of the garden planning. Under this concept, miniature hills and a well were built and more than 350 trees of various kinds were planted in a hope that they will grow as large as the existing ones to form a forest.

When the concern arouse for delicate nursery trees, there was a possibility of blocking them by rope fence from children. However the head director of Seiwa suggested that they help children learn how to take care of nursery trees and participate with water cans, the very approach which represents the kindergarten’s philosophy of child nursing and community activity. Let children participate rather than isolate from the concerns.

This is the philosophy which is presented by open arcade bridging unit A and B, and we hoped that new relations to grow with trees in kindergarten garden toward future of long-lasting Seiwa Kindergarten.

– Akio Nakasa –
